Saturday, March 19, 2016

Finish up here first

Hey guys! I wanted to show you that this world is not good at all. The are many things in it we wish there wasn't. People might think that this world is all we got once we die we just die. But WRONG we go to a better place. The place where nobody can describe. I wrote this paragraph today  and i wanted to share it with you guys: 

Calmness, no meanness, love, peaceful- that is where I want to live. If there was a place like that somewhere in the world I would go to live there; that would be my dream home.  A place that is as happy as a laugh. It is like when you joy goes up a million times when you’re laughing with your family, friends, and your-self. It has beauty as beautiful as tons of waterfalls flowing all at once. Green, orange and red leaves dance around it. Wind sings; flowers sway to the music. Sun shines on the ground and lights up the grounds, as if it was the spotlight.  If only there was a place like this on earth, but there is a place like this but not on earth this place is: heaven.                                              

But before we go there we have to finish i lives on earth. God wants us to go out into all the world and preach the good news. That means everyone including mks. He just want to sit around and wait for us to go up. No, he wants us to go and have the most people we can to become believers in Christ. If we just go and tell people stuff and we aren't confident, we don't trust in God, or believe strongly, then not many people will come. There will be a time when Jesus comes and takes up to heaven, but there i so many things we could to do before we go up. But most importantly we need to let all the people in the world know that God loves them and that he is there for them. If you are thinking: I want to do this but what am i doing this for. You doing this for the lives of people who need to be saved. Yes there will be a reward in heaven but that is not why we are doing this, just to get a reward. We are doing this so many more people will go to heaven. Did God die on the cross just because he knew that he knew that he would get a reward be more popular? No, God died on the cross so people could get their sins taken and more people would start believing. Yes alot of this can be very hard work but God will be with you all the time. He will guide you, love you, watch over you, and care for you. He isn't there JUST to make sure you are making right decisions and if you don't just there to punish you. No!  God doesn't treat us like puppets, he lets us make our own choice. And that choice should be staying on the right path while helping people believe. Now i am not saying that if you don't become a missionary, a pastor, etc; that you won't stay on the right path Not at all!  What i am saying is that no matter what your job is, no matter where you live, and no matter if nobody likes you, you are here to let people know about God and Jesus. If you have hard times just know that you will get to heaven if you stay on the right path, and that God is with you no matter what.

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