What would the world be like if there were no mks? Well here are a couple descriptions on what it would be like:
*Less Missionaries
**Kids would be much more sad
***Not as many people would be Christians
****The world wound't be as bright
*Alot missionaries now were mks. They watched their parents do work, and they felt called to do it. Yes of course there would be missionaries, but there'd not be as many as there is today.
**Alot mks are in countries were the kids are poor and there is saddens there. That's where mks come in. They go to the kids, play, talk, and interact with them. They become friends and best friends. They give the kids happier spirits and liven up the life. If the mks weren't there, their life might be depressed, and alot of them might even would die depressed.
***It's true, not as many would be. I once read a story (forgot what it was called) about a guy who didn't want to become a christian, if an adult came to him and tried to talk to him about God, he would tell them to go. He was dying so they wanted him to become a Christian. So one day a girl mk came to him with a bible, he shooed her away. She came back the next day but he shooed her away, but not a mean. She kept going to him every singe day. After a long time of her going to him, he finally let her read from to bible to him. She came everyday and read him parts of the bible. Finally one day once she was there, he told her he wanted to become a christian, he did become. This was a true story. The adults were giving up on him, but that one mk didn't give up on him. She knew that God wanted him to become a christian. Without that mk, the guy wouldn't have became a christian. Alot times kids need other kids to help them believe, but now you know adults even need mks to help them know God.
****Mks brighten up the world. Mks have ideas that are amazing, they go into where they live and try to liven up the world. Where I live, I don't always see alot of people smile. So every time I go somewhere I make sure to smile. Not a fake smile, smirky smile, buy an encouraging smile. Sometimes the person I smile at comes up to me and says I made their day. You can brighten up the world just by smiling. A smile can tell them not to worry, God's with them. Sometimes mks would go up to people and say 'God's with you'. Mks sometimes care for people more that adults can. Not usually with money, but with love from the heart which God lives in. Mks have more passion and liveliness. They don't give up, they keep brightening up the world.
God Warning: This is from the Lord, he gave me the wisdom on what to write about. ;)
Every time I read one of these, it makes me want to reach out to people more. Very encouraging Kk.