Monday, May 30, 2016

The World Without Mks

What would the world be like if there were no mks? Well here are a couple descriptions on what it would be like:

*Less Missionaries

**Kids would be much more sad

***Not as many people would be Christians

****The world wound't be as bright

*Alot missionaries now were mks. They watched their parents do work, and they felt called to do it. Yes of course there would be missionaries, but there'd not be as many as there is today.

**Alot mks are in countries were the kids are poor and there is saddens there. That's where mks come in. They go to the kids, play, talk, and interact with them. They become friends and best friends. They give the kids happier spirits and liven up the life. If the mks weren't there, their life might be depressed, and alot of them might even would die depressed.

***It's true, not as many would be. I once read a story (forgot what it was called) about a guy who didn't want to become a christian, if an adult came to him and tried to talk to him about God, he would tell them to go. He was dying so they wanted him to become a Christian. So one day a girl mk came to him with a bible, he shooed her away. She came back the next day but he shooed her away, but not a mean. She kept going to him every singe day. After a long time of her going to him, he finally let her read from to bible to him. She came everyday and read him parts of the bible. Finally one day once she was there, he told her he wanted to become a christian, he did become. This was a true story. The adults were giving up on him, but that one mk didn't give up on him. She knew that God wanted him to become a christian. Without that mk, the guy wouldn't have became a christian. Alot times kids need other kids to help them believe, but now you know adults even need mks to help them know God.

****Mks brighten up the world. Mks have ideas that are amazing, they go into where they live and try to liven up the world. Where I live, I don't always see alot of people smile. So every time I go somewhere I make sure to smile. Not a fake smile, smirky smile, buy an encouraging smile. Sometimes the person I smile at comes up to me and says I made their day. You can brighten up the world just by smiling. A smile can tell them not to worry, God's with them. Sometimes mks would go up to people and say 'God's with you'. Mks sometimes care for people more that adults can. Not usually with money, but with love from the heart which God lives in. Mks have more passion and liveliness. They don't give up, they keep brightening up the world.

God Warning: This is from the Lord, he gave me the wisdom on what to write about. ;)

Friday, May 27, 2016

Thursday (Skipping Tuesday and Wednesday)

So yes, i'm going to skip Tuesday and Wednesday, because they were exactly the same as Monday. So you would get very bored, but Thursday got some stuff going on :). So here's Thursday!:

I got up around 7:30, I did my chore and ate breakfast. I fed my guinea pigs and took my dog out. I read my Bible from 8:00 to 8:15, then my dad came in and we started our family devotions. Right now we are going through the Narnia books. After we read a chapter we do a short devotion about the chapter that we just read. We are reading, 'The Horse and His Boy' right now. After devotions I worked on my school. My mom and sisters left to go somewhere at 11:30. I did school until 2:00. At that time, I went down on the 1st floor outside. My dad teaches a car class, and right now we are doing finals. We have to do hands on things on the car. My best friend and one of her brothers were there waiting for their turn. I watched as my best friend and her brother took the test. Then after they left, my mom got home with my sisters and she took me to piano. I have piano every Thursday at 3:30. Once I got home from piano, three more of our friends arrive and my sisters came down, we took the test with them.  It was about 5:40 when we were done with the test, we went to the park for 20 mins then our friends left and my sisters and I came home and ate pizza for dinner. At 6:30 my sisters and I had to go down to the 2nd floor to practice with the worship team. This Sunday is youth Sunday, that is when the youths participate in the service, i'm on the worship and i'm singing a special song with my best friend, plus my oldest sister is playing the piano for the special song. This Sunday through Tuesday is also our yearly church camping trip :D. Worship practice ended around 8:30 to 9:00, after that my best friend and her mom (the worship leader) came up and hung out for another 30 minutes. After they left, I got ready for bed and read. I fell asleep and 10:45-11:00.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016



I had my alarm set at 7:00am, but I didn't get up till 7:30am. I took the dog outside and fed my guinea pigs. I got dressed and went into the LDK (Living room, dining room, and kitchen). Because I got up late I couldn't do my daily chore in the morning, so I planned to do it at lunch. I looked at the clock and noticed that it was 8:30, I went to get my bible, I read until my dad came in for family devotions. That ended at 9:30am. After that I got my school stuff and started school. I did piano, spelling, grammar, writing and reading in the morning. When I was done with those things i noticed it was 12:30, lunch started and 12:00 and ended at 1:00. SO I got up and got my lunch. Because I had started my lunch late I couldn't do my chore......again. I started school back up around 1:15. I did my french. I got distracted and forgot about my math. By the time I remembered it, it was dinner time. My middle sister was out babysitting. I cleared my stuff off the table and and got a plate for me. I put my food on my plate and sat down at the table and waited for the rest of my family.  We ate dinner and cleaned up the kitchen.  After diner I finally did my chore. Then I grabbed my laundry I needed to fold and turned on the tv. I watched one show when my dad took the remote and put on a movie. The movie ended around 10:15.  I had finished folding, I put them nicely back into the basket and went to get ready for bed. By the time my dad prayed ti was 10:45. I read for 5 mins and turned of my light. I set my alarm, turned on my fan, and fell asleep at 11:00.

Yes I know, I know. Monday is boring, but that is my typical Monday, really. Sometimes there're are other things, but usually that's my day. Comment if you have any questions!

Monday, May 23, 2016

Sunday (So Sorry!!)

Oh my goodness guys, I am so sorryyyy!! I was so busy Sunday I totally forgot about posting on my blog. So here is Sunday and I will also post Monday today. ;)


So we live above our church on the 5th floor. We just moved in here. When we lived in another house 8 mins from our church we all had to leave at the same time. But now we can just take the elevator down whenever. So I usually wake up around 8 on Sunday. I get up and take my dog outside, feed my guinea pigs, and go say good morning to my parents. I usually get on my computer and check my stuff, and jump in the shower (if I have too). Then once i'm out I get dressed and eat. I usually get down on the 1st floor around 9-9:30. The 1st floor is our cafe area so I hang out around there with my best friend and her brothers. Their mother is the worship leader so she has to get there early to practice. If it's nice out sometimes my best friend and I take her brothers to the park. Church starts at 10:30, and sometimes I have to work in preschool or nursery and I have to be in one of those by 10:15. I am the back up for nursery and preschool, so alot of times I have to go in there with another lady. Like today I had to go into the nursery. We had four kids in there, two 18 months old, a crazy 3 year old, and a 2 year old. Church ended around 12:00 and the parents came and picked up their kids, I finished cleaning the nursery and went out. Most people come down to the 1st floor and talk. I just hung around, said hi to some people, and tried not to get hit by rubber bands. My family and my best friend's family decided to go out for lunch. (We had nothing in our fridge or covered lol) We were going to go to a Mexican restaurant but they were full, so we went to an Indian one. After that we went to our house for about 30 seconds then my oldest sister and I went to our friends house for about 30 mins. After that we met the rest of my family and went to a movie. After the movie we took my best friend and her brother to youth group. Our youth group is on the 6th floor. We got up there and started playing a card game. I was partners with my best friend. After the card game we got snacks and watched our devotion video. We talked about the video and then youth group was over. I helped my dad clean up and went back down to my house. (My dad is the pastor of the church and he also does youth group.) I wanted to watch a show but my mom said to eat first because I hadn't eaten dinner yet. I got out leftover chili and ate that. I started my show, it ended around 10:15. I got up and got ready for bed. I share a bedroom with my middle sister. (Our house is small, our dining room, living room, and kitchen is all in the same area which was about as big as our old house's living room. Then there are 3 bedrooms, a shower and a bathroom.) I set my alarm to 7:00 and fell asleep around 11:00.

Well there's Sunday. Tell me how it is, if it's boring or cool. Thx! See ya peeps later!

Monday, May 16, 2016

So sorry!

Oh my goodness, i'm so sorry. I was so busy Sunday that I forgot about my daily posting thing. So when do you guys want me to start it up. I might just start Sunday, so in a week.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016


So I thought this would be cool: Every day at night I post my daily routine and what I did. For only one week, I would start this Sunday. Do you guys want me to do that? Comment your answer!

P.S. If you didn't see it, there is a little note with a box. (Under the description/note thing where I say hi and welcome, and above the Blog Archive) It is on the right of the posts. If you put your email in there, like it says, you will get an email when I post something om my blog. ;)

P.P.S. Thanks to all who have taken the poll, or who is or going to.

Friday, May 6, 2016

Annoying and fun things =D

Hiya guys! So I'm going to show you some things that annoy mks, tcks, and pks etc; plus things that are fun about being an mk.....ya I know kind of confusing but you'll get it once I start.

One of the most annoying things some one can ask an mk or tck is, where are you from? Yes it is very annoying, because alot times some one is born some where and raised some where else of where they were born. So you have to explain the whole thing, and sometimes it takes a long time.

Some people come up and start asking you all these deep questions. Yes, and I was only like 11 when people asked me that kind of things. I would only answer half the question sometimes and it wasn't always super accurate, it was so hard to answer.

The best part, on my view,  of being these three things are all the traveling with your family. I loved staying in hotels, and spending all day in the car listening to music, movies, and joking around. Yes, i would get frustrated or mad because of being stuck in the car all day, but I love traveling.   I got closer to my family, and got to spend ALOT of family time. xD

Another cool thing about being a pk is you know alot of things about the church. People ask you questions about the church like your important. And most of the time you know the answers ;). You know everybody in the church, and your the back up if you need help some where. Sometimes people say that can't work in the nursery so I have to go in there with another person.  I live in the same building as our church so I can go up if i need something and go down for church whenever.