Thursday, April 21, 2016

The Hard Ships (Yes there are hardships and sadness)

Hey, guys! Ok, being a mk is the best thing in my life, but there are scary moments to being a mk. Last week at 10:00pm we had an earthquake. It was a 3.0 here but where it came from was 4 and a half  an hour away from us. It was a 7.0  there. About 9-15 people died, and 50-70 people were hospitalized. There were many aftershocks but one thing surprised us again. The next night at 1:30am there was a very strong earthquake. It lasted for about 10 seconds. It came from the same place but this time, it was a 4.3 here and a 7.6 there. A lot more people died, were hospitalized, and MANY people are on the streets without homes or they were living in churches.  We hope to go down there in two weeks for giving donations like food, blankets, water. etc. Now these are a very sad thing and I am not saying it is not bad but there are many other worse things that can happen while being a mk. Now I am definitely NOT telling you to not become a mk. We need mks. All I am saying is being a mk is not all about traveling and living in different worlds. That's why we go to a missionary school every four years. They train us for the mission field. Some things we had to do was: eat weird foods, go into a helicopter (some people have to get where they live by a helicopter), my older sis had to go to a boot camp; they couldn't take shampoo, desserts, or anything that you live with, in a house. (but they snuck stuff) They brought bathing suits to go to the river and wash there. They slept in canopies and had a whole in the ground with a canvas around it for a toilet. I was reading the book Teresa of Calcutta today and let me tell you, I was about to cry. It was about Christian nuns who live India and they have a whole bunch of hospital for people who won't get taken in by the city hospital. One for kids, a couple for adults, and then when I stopped reading they had just decided to bring supplies and medicine to the lepers town. The lepers performed a play and even baby Jesus had leprosy. I have alot of missionary books about very sad stories. Some people might wonder how they stand such hardships and sadness. They stand because God is standing with them. If God wasn't there they might be discouraged or not able to handle the pressure and sadness. God's the reason people are able to stand through hardships.  So if people go through hardships and sadness without God, it will be really hard. God is the one who gets people through. Just remember that God is always there through hardships and sadness and will NEVER leave you to go through them by yourselves.

P.S. I have a poll at the very bottom of the main page of my blog, hope you find it and take it!


  1. Wow Gurly u.u Your blog is super awesome! Mine sucks compared to what you write xDDD I loved this post :3 ^_^ Bye bye!

    *pinapple has arrived*

  2. Thanks, nah ur's is awesome girly! *Rolls eyes* Pineapple......i should've known. xD byee
